Counselling agencies


Overview of counselling agencies

The Association of Counselling Agencies for Bi-national and Intercultural Couples and Families Switzerland is an association of seven regional counselling agencies.


frabina, counselling Agency for binational couples and families


frabina, counselling Agency for binational couples and families


Counselling Agency for Binational Couples and Families of both Basel


elbe - Office for Life Issues Lucerne, Nidwalden and Obwalden


Competence Centre Migration

SSI Suisse, Geneva

Service social international
Suisse (SSI)

SSI Schweiz, Zurich

Internationaler Sozialdienst
Schweiz (SSI)


frabina, counselling agency for binational couples and families

Short description of the agency
frabina offers legal information and psychosocial counselling on binational cohabitation.

Counselling topics

  • Marriage and family reunification
  • Couple relationship
  • Parenthood and family
  • Separation and divorce
  • Residence and integration
  • Finances
  • Contact with authorities

German, French, Italian, English, Spanish and Arabic or with interpreting service

The counselling service is aimed at individuals, couples and families in binational relationships, regardless of their residence status.

The following counselling services are available:

  • Face-to-face counselling at the counselling centres in Bern, Tavannes, Olten and Solothurn.
  • Telephone counselling via the hotline 0900 81 27 01 (CHF 2.20 / min.), Tue and Thu 11.00 to 13.00
  • E-mail counselling (SSL encrypted)
    Individual chat consultation (SSL encrypted)
  • Video consultation (SSL encrypted)

The full fee for a counselling session is CHF 200.00. Thanks to service agreements, a reduced fee can be offered to people living in the cantons of Bern and Solothurn. The rates range from CHF 20.00 to CHF 200.00 and are based on the monthly net income per household.

Contact and opening hours
Kapellenstrasse 24
3011 Bern
Tel.: 031 381 27 01

For appointments you can reach us: Mon-Fri from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.


frabina, Counselling Agency for Binational Couples and Families, Migrants and Victims of Racism and Discrimination

Short description of the agency
frabina offers legal information and psychosocial counselling on the topic of people of different nationalities and cultures living together.

Counselling topics

  • Marriage and family reunification
  • Couple relationships
  • Parenthood and family
  • Separation and divorce
  • Residence and integration
  • Finances
  • Contact with authorities

German, French, Italian, English, Spanish and Arabic or with interpreting service

The counselling service is aimed at individuals, couples and families in binational relationships, regardless of their residence status.

The following counselling services are available:

  • Face-to-face counselling at the counselling centres in Bern, Tavannes, Olten and Solothurn.
  • Telephone counselling via the hotline 0900 81 27 01 (CHF 2.20 / min.),
    Tue and Thu 11.00 to 13.00
  • E-mail counselling (SSL encrypted)
    Individual chat consultation (SSL encrypted)
  • Video consultation (SSL encrypted)

The full fee for a counselling session is CHF 200.00. Thanks to service agreements, a reduced fee can be offered to people living in the cantons of Bern and Solothurn. The rates range from CHF 20.00 to CHF 200.00 and are based on the monthly net income per household.

Contact and opening hours
Westbahnhofstrasse 12
4500 Solothurn
Tel.: 032 621 68 60

For appointments you can reach us: Mon-Fri from 10.00 to 12.00 hrs


Counselling Acency for Binational Couples and Families of both Basel

Brief description of the agency
Our counselling agency is a contact point for all people who live in a binational relationship or are affected by one. It mediates, advises and provides information on the various aspects of living in a binational couple.

Counselling topics
Social, legal, cultural and religious issues

German, French, English, Spanish

Legal and psychosocial counselling, coaching, mediation

CHF 100.00 for clients from the cantons BS/BL. CHF 150.00 for all others. A reduction is possible in justified cases.

Contact and opening hours

Steinengraben 71
4051 Basel
061 271 33 49

Tue - Thu 8.15 - 11.45 hrs



elbe - Office for Life Issues Lucerne, Nidwalden and Obwalden

Brief description of the office
The elbe, Fachstelle für Lebensfragen Luzern, Nidwalden und Obwalden, runs a counselling agency for individual, couple and pregnancy counselling as an association on behalf of the three cantons and their national churches. The counselling agency is open to all people from this catchment area, regardless of their social situation, ethnic origin or religious beliefs. Our counsellors are bound by professional secrecy.

Counselling topics
We support binational couples in particular in psychosocial issues such as

  • Relationship crises / problems
  • Communication and understanding problems
  • Different values due to different cultural backgrounds
  • Difficulties due to the imbalance in the couple as a result of migration
  • Difficulties in raising children due to different cultural backgrounds of the parents
  • Separation and related action in the interest of the children

German, English, French and Italian. (Interpreters may be involved)

Counselling for individuals and couples

The first counselling session costs CHF 50.00 (individual counselling) or CHF 100.00 (couple counselling). The fee for further counselling sessions depends on income. In case of financial difficulties, the fee can be reduced by arrangement.

Contact and opening hours
elbe - Office for Life Issues Lucerne, Nidwalden and Obwalden
Hertensteinstrasse 28
6004 Lucerne
041 210 10 87

As a rule, the telephone 041 210 10 87 is answered Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00 and Friday from 11:00 to 12:00. If the answering machine answers: Please leave a message on the machine and we will call you back as soon as possible.



FABIA, Competence Centre Migration

Brief description of the agency
FABIA Competence Agency Migration informs and advises immigrants on issues related to integration and migration. We advise, educate, network and raise awareness of intercultural and transcultural issues.

Counselling topics
We support binational couples on the following topics.

  • legal issues such as residence and permits, preparation and procedure for family reunification
    social, linguistic and professional integration
  • divorce and separation
  • Finances and social security
  • Racial discrimination
  • issues concerning your children's schooling

If necessary, we can call in intercultural interpreters.

Appointments by arrangement.

Consultations are free of charge.

Contact and opening hours
Competence Centre Migration
Tribschenstrasse 78
6005 Lucerne
Tel. 041 360 07 22

Monday: 09.00 to 12.00 hrs
Tuesday: 09.00 to 12.00 / 14.00 to 17.30
Wednesday & Thursday: 09.00 to 12.00 /14.00 to 17.00
Friday: 09.00 to 12.00 hrs


International Social Service Switzerland (SSI)

Short description of the agency

The SSI advocates for the individual rights of children, families and migrants and offers them support in social, legal and professional matters.

Counselling topics

Marriage formalities in Switzerland,
Swiss family law,
the conditions of residence of the foreign spouse in Switzerland,
acquiring the nationality of your spouse,
cohabitation, recognition and status of children born out of wedlock,
the culture, traditions, language and religion of your partner,
the relationship with your respective families and the upbringing of your (future) children,
the birth of a child together: Changes and challenges,
the risks of child abduction and possibilities of prevention.

German, French, English, Spanish

Binational couples sometimes face a number of legal, cultural, social and religious obstacles. Thanks to our expertise in family and immigration law, we can accompany them in their administrative affairs.

We listen to them and advise them either before they get married or during the organisation of their life together. In the event of problems in the relationship, we carry out an individual clarification of the situation and refer the partners to a marriage counselling centre, advise them on couples therapy or family mediation.

Hourly rate of CHF 140.00

Contact and opening hours
International Social Service Switzerland
Hofwiesenstrasse 3
8057 Zurich
044 366 44 77/

Mon - Fri from 8.30 - 12.30 / 14.00 - 17.30  

9, rue du Valais
Case Postale 1469
1211 Geneva 1
+41 22 731 67 00


International Social Service Switzerland (SSI)

Short description of the agency

The SSI advocates for the individual rights of children, families and migrants and offers them support in social, legal and professional matters.

Counselling topics

Marriage formalities in Switzerland,
Swiss family law,
the conditions of residence of the foreign spouse in Switzerland,
acquiring the nationality of your spouse,
cohabitation, recognition and status of children born out of wedlock,
the culture, traditions, language and religion of your partner,
the relationship with your respective families and the upbringing of your (future) children,
the birth of a child together: Changes and challenges,
the risks of child abduction and possibilities of prevention.

German, French, English, Spanish

Binational couples sometimes face a number of legal, cultural, social and religious obstacles. Thanks to our expertise in family and immigration law, we can accompany them in their administrative affairs.

We listen to them and advise them either before they get married or during the organisation of their life together. In the event of problems in the relationship, we carry out an individual clarification of the situation and refer the partners to a marriage counselling centre, advise them on couples therapy or family mediation.

Hourly rate of CHF 140.00

Contact and opening hours
International Social Service Switzerland
Hofwiesenstrasse 3
8057 Zurich
044 366 44 77/

Mon - Fri from 9.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 16.00

Hofwiesenstrasse 3
8057 Zurich
+41 44 366 44 77